Vendor: RGG EDU
Product Type: Digital Download
High-end commercial retouchers often keep their methods and workflow as a well-guarded secret in order to stay ahead of the competition. Sef McCullough is on the leading edge of commercial retouching with his mastery of Photoshop. As one of the world’s most sought after digital artists, Sef’s workflow has been taught to only a handful of his peers. Sef has partnered with us to bring you his workflow and an in-depth look at many of his techniques in this incredible tutorial, “Commercial Retouching Advanced Workflow.” If you are wanting to learn advanced post-production techniques combined with a bullet proof workflow, this tutorial will be your game changer. We combine both a product shoot and a lifestyle shoot to prove to you that an advanced commercial workflow can be applied to any image and the subject matter doesn't actually matter.
Every step of Sef’s workflow will be unmasked in this post production only tutorial. Along with learning how Sef masterfully retouches images, you will see how he collaborates with the photographer to understand the image maker’s vision on personal projects the exact same as he would for an actual client. After revealing his workflow on a product image, Sef will apply the same approach to a lifestyle image to illustrate that a bullet proof workflow is applicable to any genre of photography. This tutorial is a dramatization of actual client work and is not a representation or example of actual jobs from any major brand or agency.
Getting Started and Product Application
Commercial Workflow on Lifestyle Image
Free Excerpt: Clipping and Isolation
Video Chapter List
Video Chapter List
Free Excerpt: Subject & Background Integration
Video Chapter List
Use the sliders below to view before and after photo created within this tutorial on your computer or mobile device. This is a composite image, so multiple files are used to create one final image.
Sef McCullough - Pro Retoucher
For over 10 years Sef has been producing high-end retouching for global brands such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Under Armour and more. His work has been featured on the world’s largest billboards, top publications, and high traffic digital spaces. He has mentored retouchers, designers, and photographers who wanted to break into the field of retouching and to his credit, they are all now making a pretty nice living. Sef often collaborate with others in the field to develop new workflows and one of his passions is teaching others how to overcome and break down the ‘how the hell did they do that’ problems and make the whole process accessible. For more on Sef, check him out here.