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How To Photograph and Retouch Beverage Alcohol Liquor and Glass Photography Tutorial With Rob Grimm RGG EDU

How To Photograph and Retouch Beverage Alcohol Liquor and Glass Photography Tutorial With Rob Grimm RGG EDU

  • $99.00

Epic Tutorial Coming Soon

Photographing & Retouching Liquor with Rob Grimm

Rob Grimm is back at it again with a tutorial that explores commercial liquor photography using advanced methods used in every day commercial photography. In this shoot we go on location to shoot backplates to create duratrans materials and then head into the studio to light and photograph liquor bottles. In this tutorial we will explore the use of duratrans and camera perspective to make any location affordable and achievable by any photographer.

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Early Bird Release Date:
Early Summer 2017

Tutorial Production Progress


Tutorial Conception

Education Concept


Script Development


Location Scouting


Tutorial Production


Post Production

Summer 2017

Tutorial Previews

Early 2017

Tutorial Release

Early 2017

See the Instructor's Work

Preview 1
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